EU Water Innovation Conference 2019 – December 11-12, 2019, Zaragoza

Side meeting – December 11, 10:00 – 18:00

Given the growing demand for water in industry and the uncertainty about the availability of water due to climate change, the process industry is forced to manage the water cycle sustainably. The meeting will focus on the industrial challenges of water efficiency and innovative strategies to resilience to the risk of water scarcity. Case studies and exploitable results achieved during EU and national projects will be presented, with a particular focus on the pulp and paper and steel sectors. Environmental impact assessments and exploitation strategies for the use of water reuse technologies will be discussed. The workshop will also focus on concentrate management, desalination and resource recovery. Along with a broad overview of the activities within the WAVE funding measure “Wave – Sustainable Technologies and Concepts for Increasing Water Availability through Water Reuse and Desalination” ( funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the challenges and opportunities for industry and innovative solutions for various sectors will be presented and discussed.

If you are interested in joining the meeting, please contact:

COGNIT: Paola Del Chicca Romano

CTP: Ioana Stancu

DECHEMA: Christina Jungfer

Attendees must register on the following link*: EU Water Innovation Conference 2019 

Please note that registration to individual part of the meeting is possible:

Part 1 – Hydro-efficiency challenges in the pulp and paper industryHydro-efficiency challenges in the pulp and paper industry
Part 2 – Sustainable Process and Optimized Technologies for Industrially Efficient Water Usage
Part 3 – Recycling of industrial water: challenges and opportunities in the context of water reuse – management of concentrates, desalination and resource recovery


9:30 – 10:00: welcome and registration

Part 1 – Hydro-efficiency challenges in the pulp and paper industry

10:00 – 10:10 Introduction – Eduardo de Almeida (Cognit)

10:10 – 10:40 Evolution of water consumption on the paper sector in Spain (Spanish). Carmen Sanchez-Carpintero (ASPAPEL)

10:40 – 11:10 Optimising water consumption using Six Sigma (Spanish) – Juan Andrés García (ICT Ibérica).

11:10 – 11:40 Coffee Break – Networking

11:40 – 12:10 Case study of water reutilisation on a paper mill. (Spanish) –  Rosa Francés (Hinojosa Paper).

12:10 – 12:40 Effluent reuse for fresh water reduction in the Pulp and Paper Industry (results from the SpotView project – Stéphanie Prasse, Patrick Huber (CTP)

13:00 – 14:00: Lunch Break (offered by the hosting city)

Part 2 – Sustainable Process and Optimized Technologies for Industrially Efficient Water Usage (SPOTVIEW H2020-SPIRE project)

14:00 – Introduction – Eric Fourest (CTP)

14:10 – Efficient water use in steel industry by innovative and sustainable solutions – (Martin Hubrich BFI, Elena Piedra Fernandez, Beatriz Padilla ARCELORMITTAL Innovacion)

14:30 – SPOTVIEW – LCA modelling for innovative water optimization strategies applied to process industry – Elorri Igos (LIST)

14:50 – SPOTVIEW – Main technology breakthrough for water management and exploitation strategies – Hank Vleeming (PDC)

15:10 – INSPIREWATER – Innovative Solutions in the Process Industry for Resource Efficient Water management – Marie-Christine Napier (IMCG)

15:30 – 16:00 Coffee Break – Networking

Part 3 – Recycling of industrial water: challenges and opportunities in the context of water reuse – management of concentrates, desalination and resource recovery

16:00 – Increasing Water Availability by Water Reuse and Desalination – BMBF Funding Measure WavE (Christina Jungfer/DECHEMA)

16:20 – Efficient operation of cooling water circuits by integrated desalination at the example of the steel industry (Martin Hubrich/BFI)

16:40 – Resource recovery from concentrates arising from industrial water reuse (Dennis Becker/DECHEMA)

17:00 – End of the meeting


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